Overwatch Problems

So I am actually a big fan of Overwatch.  I don’t object to the game at all in fact I’m exited to play it.  But, that’s my problem. I’m not playing it.  

I’ve had it since the 23rd and since Blizzard has insisted on it being online all the time (again, looking at YOU Diablo III)  I have played zero hours despite my best efforts.

I say best efforts, but really it’s this guy doing all the work.

That’s my PS4, which was bought “used” from GameStop.  (Though, being honest, it was less-worn than my first PS4.)

And I say “work” but my PlayStation has failed to download the mandatory Overwatch firmware update more times than I can count.  In fact, I’ve spent two full evenings trying to download this thing without success.

  I’ve tried it every way I can think of and the PlayStation, (let’s call him Dave) keeps crashing.

Preparing to download 10%?

Oh sure Dave, and I bet I’m gonna meet my soulmate tomorrow too.

You wish you could get to 15% Dave you dishonest sack of turds.

Anyways, not complaining, really, I’m just fascinated at this point.  Seeing as I have lost a significant portion of my sleep  (and sanity) to Overwatch and not in the way I was expecting to.

But it’s all right, it will probably download before the night is over and all will be right with the world.


Oh.  Never mind, Dave.  I take it back, you are NOW an honest sack of turds.

My Reaction to The Playstation Experience! (Highlights)

Yep! You guessed it! Me and my brother react to The Playstation Experience!
Also, the plan was to tonight stream to Twitch my live predictions of The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode 11. Sadly, that’s not gonna happen.because my computer is on the fritz but I hope you guys all enjoy this reaction video! It was a ton of fun to put together!
So yeah, there were some good games on display at the PS experience. Namely, Street Fighter 5 (or Street Fighter V if you prefer), Final Fantasy VII …why??? Batman Arkham Knight, the forest, darkest dungeon, all orcs must die unchained, until dawn and little big planet 3 aaaand a bunch of other stuff that I won’t even be able to list off but we reacted to all of them, we just kept the ones we thought were funny.